Forum Nidrosiae was founded by me in 2008 as an informal lecture society and 'pub moot' dedicated to the study of various interrelated subjects connected to esotericism and so-called occulture, as well as other fringe topics of interest.
The forum is independent, but has at times cooperated with TEKS, focusing on esoteric and artistic endeavors which operates in the intersection between science, metaphysics and new technologies.
In addition to the lecture series which has spanned a vast array of topics, I have also organised exhibitions, film screenings and concerts under this name.
In November 2009 I was invited to organise a lecture and after party as part of the Satanism in the Modern World conference by Drs. Jesper Aagaard Petersen and Per Faxneld with the Department of Archaeology and Religious Studies at NTNU. In 2010 I organised Forum Nidrosiae events at both Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Trondheim Cinematheque and Rockheim National Museum of Popular Music. In 2011 I hosted exhibitions by artist and writer Carl Abrahamsson at Babel Art Space and by Origami Boe at Galleri Blunk, as well as a show by the 'pataphysical folk-pop phenomenon Gyron V. In 2012 I expanded the Forum Nidrosiae concept to include the Here To Go - Art, Counter-Culture and the Esoteric conference, organised in cooperation with Carl Abrahamsson and the Meta.Morf Biennale for Art & Technology.
I have organised 49 Forum Nidrosiae events so far. All posters and wine labels are designed by me. New lectures are forthcoming autumn 2017. I wish to thank my friend Dr. Petersen for his continuous support and cooperation.
A list of Forum Nidrosie events*
2016 JUL 21 Book of the Spider / Alchemical Chess
2016 APR 16 The Order that Hath No Name Among Men
2015 NOV 05 OTO - en reise inn i verdens farligste brorskap
2015 OCT 18 Byvandring med Forum Nidrosiae
2015 SEP 17 Den løgnaktige spåmannen
2015 JUL 16 8 Gates (& 9 Worlds)
2015 JUN 11 Shemhamphorash!
2014 OCT 02 Det europeiske fristedet
2014 MAY 31 Here To Go II
2013 NOV 14 Delfiner fra det kosmiske hav
2013 OCT 17 Scientologi
2013 SEP 12 2045: Rapture of the Nerds
2013 AUG 29 KonspiraNorge
2013 APR 04 Yezidi
2013 FEB 28 Satans Yngel
2013 JAN 21 2012 - et postapokalyptisk retrospekt
2012 DEC 15 Kødden Krampus
2012 NOV 15 Stanislav Grof - En reise i sinnets irrganger
2012 OCT 22 FLiCkEr / The Ballad of Genesis & Lady Jaye
2012 OCT 20 Here To Go
2012 OCT 18 "´´´´´´´" concert
2012 OCT 17 5.1. Listening Session w/ The Hafler Trio
2012 OCT 15 "´´´´´´´" workshop w/ Andrew M. McKenzie
2012 SEP 06 I fantasiens skyggedal
2012 MAR 15 Religion og galskap
2011 OCT 29 Tres Anni Decadentiae
2011 OCT 13 Deus Vult!
2011 AUG 27 I varulvens klør
2011 JUL 23 For alle spesielt interesserte
2011 JUN 17 Memes from Hi-Science, Tech to Art for Life
2011 MAY 21 Origami Boe: Z of 7
2011 MAY 07 Hitlers okkulte besettelser
2011 FEB 18 Döden i våra hjärtan
2011 FEB 03 Stakkars vampyren
2010 NOV 12 Transgressive Music and the Paradox of Society
2010 JUL 17 The Brute Fact of Feces
2010 JUL 17 Between Chemtrails and Ground Crew
2010 MAY 28 Contemporary Timelessness - Eternal Trends
2010 MAY 27 Back To Human Nature
2010 MAR 18 Demoner og demonutdrivelse fra Babylon til New Age
2010 JAN 23 Zombien som kulturelt fenomen
2009 NOV 20 Cthulhu-kulten
2009 OCT 23 Hellfire Clubs mellom djevelskap og guttestreker
2009 JUL 16 Enokiana
2009 APR 02 Satanisme - Mellom Darwin og Djevelen
2009 JAN 22 Aleister Crowley: 666 og Viljens tidsalder, pt. II
2008 NOV 20 Aleister Crowley: 666 og Viljens tidsalder
2008 OCT 23 AOS & KAOS - Austin Osman Spare i teori og praksis
* Information about each even will be added in the future. In the meantime,
please visit the Forum Nidrosiae Facebook page.
"Forum Nidrosiae represents an academic backyard, as necessary as it is reinless" - Gustav S. Borgersen, AST
Club Supa, 17 OCT 2013
Café 3B, 06 SEP 2012
Good Omens, 11 JUN 2015
Café 3B, 06 SEP 2012
Tulla Fischer, 28 FEB 2013
Club Supa, 14 NOV 2013
Various FN event wines
Various posters designed by me